About Us

Empowering Dreams, Building Success

At Lighthouse Strategic Advisory, we believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity in the hospitality industry. Our mission is to empower aspiring hotel owners, particularly minorities and women, to realize their dreams of hotel ownership.

Our investment partner brings a wealth of expertise in funding, contract negotiation, and business development, while our hospitality partner excels in revenue management, creative marketing strategies & public relations. Together, they create a powerhouse team ready to disrupt the hotel investment industry.

We understand that traditional financial firms may not always provide the assistance you need, so we formed Lighthouse in 2023 to fill that gap. With our extensive network of investors and wealth of hospitality and marketing knowledge, we provide specialized guidance to navigate the complex world of financing and investment. From developing a compelling brand to connecting with the right investors, we guide our clients through every step of the process. Our experienced team offers services such as market research, asset management, and commercial revenue management to ensure long-term success.

Our dedicated team combines investment banking and hospitality expertise to provide comprehensive guidance throughout the process. Join us at Lighthouse Strategic Advisory, and let us illuminate your path to hotel ownership.

Our Partners

Collaborate with our trusted partners at Lighthouse Strategic Advisory. Together, we connect aspiring hotel owners with the right investors for success.
St Justine Hotels - Logo
St Justine Hotels - Logo
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